A learner, teacher & web3 dev in training with passion for tech, design & blockchain transfiguration. A newbie technical writer who's dream of blogging is no more a fantasy, thanks to web development.
A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding the Proof of Work and Proof of Stake · Introduction Blockchain transactions are executed without the involvement of a...
A simple and quick guide on what you need to know about NFTs · Introduction The acronym "NFT" sounds fanciful and cool, but what does it even mean? You...
A Brief Guide to Understanding how Decentralized Finance Works · What is DeFi? DeFi is short for decentralized finance. It is a financial system built on...
My Cryptocurrency Journey · Introduction I have been learning about cryptocurrency recently since it's an alternative to forex. Also, I want to become a...
How I improved the accessibility of a website for a client · Introduction Early this year, a friend asked me if there was a way to make more people know...
A review of my journey in writing Technical documentation · Introduction When I wrote my first two technical articles, I sucked at many things. I made...